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[ back ] 1. In the printed version of my Bibliography, as also in the footnote about ταρ in Ch.3, I mistakenly gave the date of this abstract as 1998. See Katz 2007, who corrects the date and offers a lively critique of my argumentation about ταρ as presented above at 3§88.
[ back ] 2. This addition to my Bibliography is explained in my note above under the entry for Katz 1996.
[ back ] 3. Important corrigendum: on p. 203 between “same line)” and “specified,” insert “of the marital bed; similarly, she ‘recognizes’ (ἀναγνούσῃ xix 250) as sēmata (same line) the clothes …” (in the present printed version, the reference to the marital bed as sēmata at xxiii 206 is distorted by a mistaken omission of the wording that needs to be restored here: by haplography, the mention of the marital bed is omitted, and this omission distorts the point being made about the clothes and brooch of Odysseus as sēmata in their own right at xix 250).
[ back ] 4. This piece is replete with printing errors. For a list of corrigenda, please write the author (