Cumulative Bibliography

Bibliographical Abbreviations

ABV = Beazley 1956 (Attic Black-Figure Vase Painters)

BA = Nagy 1999a (The Best of the Achaeans: Concepts of the Hero in Archaic Greek Poetry)

DELG = Chantraine 2009 (Dictionnaire étymologique de la langue grecque: histoire des mots)

DGE = Schwyzer 1923 (Dialectorum Graecarum exempla, epigraphica potiora)

EH = Nagy 2006 (“The Epic Hero”)

FGH = Jacoby 1923–1958 (Die Fragmente der griechischen Historiker)

GMP = Nagy 1990b (Greek Mythology and Poetics)

H24H = Nagy 2013a (The Ancient Greek Hero in 24 Hours)

HC = Nagy 2008d (Homer the Classic)

HPC = Nagy 2009f (Homer the Preclassic)

In citations of HPC, page number references to the 2010 print edition are followed by paragraph number references to the 2009 online edition; for example: HPC 296 | II§427.)

HQ = Nagy 1996b (Homeric Questions)

HR = Nagy 2003 (Homeric Responses)

HTL = Nagy 2004a (Homer’s Text and Language)

ICS = Masson 1983 (Inscriptions Chypriotes Syllabiques)

IG = Deutsche akademie der Wissenschaften 1873– (Inscriptiones Graecae)

LSJ = Liddell, Scott, and Jones 1940 (A Greek-English Lexicon)

MoM = Nagy 2015d (Masterpieces of Metonymy: From Ancient Greek Times to Now)

MW = Merkelbach and West 1967 (Fragmenta Hesiodea)

PH = Nagy 1990a (Pindar’s Homer: The Lyric Possession of an Epic Past)

PGM = Henrichs 1974 (Papyri Graecae Magicae: Die Griechischen Zauberpapyri)

PMG = Page 1962 (Poetae Melici Graeci)

PP = Nagy 1996a (Poetry as Performance: Homer and Beyond)

PR = Nagy 2002 (Plato’s Rhapsody and Homer’s Music: The Poetics of the Panathenaic Festival in Classical Athens)

SEG = Gieben et al. 1923– (Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum)

Bibliographical References

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Allen, W. S. 1987. Vox Graeca: The Pronunciation of Classical Greek. 3rd ed. Cambridge.

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Athanassaki, L. 2019.03.18. “A Turkish Angora Cat in Paris: An insight into Catullus’ ‘Sparrow Poem’ (c. 2) arising from a Modern Greek Song.” Classical Inquiries.

Aubriot, D. 1992. Prière et conceptions religieuses en Grèce ancienne jusqu’ à la fin du Ve s. av. J.-C., Lyon. (See especially p. 203.)

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Barber, K. 2007. The Anthropology of Texts, Persons and Publics: Oral and Written Culture in Africa and Beyond. Cambridge.

Barletta, B. A. 2017. The Sanctuary of Athena at Sounion. Princeton. This volume includes architectural analysis by W. B. Dinsmoor and observations by H. A. Thompson.

Barnes, J. 1997. “Roman Aristotle.” In Philosophia Togata II: Plato and Aristotle at Rome, ed. J. Barnes and M. Griffin, 1–69. Oxford.

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Bierl, A. 2009. Ritual and Performativity. The Chorus in Old Comedy. Trans. A. Hollman. Hellenic Studies 20. Cambridge, MA, and Washington, DC. Translation of Bierl 2001.

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Bierl, A. 2014. “Space in Xenophon of Ephesus: Love, Dream, and Dissemination.” Trans. M. Berrey. Translation of Bierl 2006.

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Bollack, J. 1997q. “Le mont de la mort: le sens d’une rencontre entre Celan et Heidegger.” In Bollack 1997:349–376.

Bollack, J. 2001. “De la philologie au théâtre. La construction du sens de l’Antigone de Sophocle.” In “Tragédie grecque. Défi de la scène contemporaine,” special issue, Études théâtrales 21:103–110.

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Bollack, J. 2005. “Empedocles: A Single Project, Two Theologies.” Translated from the French by C. Porter. In The Empedoclean Kosmos: Structure, Process, and the Question of Cyclicity; Proceedings of the Symposium Philosophiae Antiquae Tertium Myconense, July 6th – July 13th, 2003; Part 1: Papers, ed. A. L. Pierris, 45–72. Patras.

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Nagy, G. 1972. Introduction, Parts I and II, and Conclusions. Greek: A Survey of Recent Work, F. W. Householder and G. Nagy, 15–72. Janua Linguarum Series Practica 211. The Hague.

Nagy, G. 1973. “Phaethon, Sappho’s Phaon, and the White Rock of Leukas.” Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 77:137–177. Rewritten as Chapter 9 of Nagy 1990b.

Nagy, G. 1974a. Comparative Studies in Greek and Indic Meter. Harvard Studies in Comparative Literature 33. Cambridge, MA.

Nagy, G. 1974b. “Six Studies of Sacral Vocabulary relating to the Fireplace.” Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 78:71–106. Rewritten as Chapter 6 of Nagy 1990:143–201.

Nagy, G. 1976. “The Name of Achilles: Etymology and Epic.” In Studies in Greek, Italic, and Indo-European Linguistics Offered to Leonard R. Palmer, ed. A. M. Davies and W. Meid, 209–237. Innsbruck. Recast as ch. 5 and ch. 6 (= pp. 69–93 and 94–117) in Nagy 1979.

Nagy, G. 1979. The Best of the Achaeans: Concepts of the Hero in Archaic Greek Poetry. Baltimore. Revised ed. with new introduction 1999,

Nagy, G. 1981a. “Essai sur Georges Dumézil et l’étude de l’épopée grecque.” In Cahiers “Pour un temps”: Georges Dumézil, ed. J. Bonnet, 137–145. Aix-en-Provence. Rewritten as part of ch. 1 in Nagy 1990b.

Nagy, G. 1981b. “An Evolutionary Model for the Text Fixation of Homeric Epos.” In Oral Traditional Literature: A Festschrift for Albert Bates Lord, ed. J. M. Foley, 390–393.Columbus.

Nagy, G. 1982a. “Hesiod.” In Ancient Writers, ed. T. J. Luce, 43–72. New York. Rewritten as part of Chapter 3 in Nagy 1990b.

Nagy, G. 1982b. Review of Detienne 1981. Annales Economies Sociétés Civilisations37:778–780.

Nagy, G. 1983a. “Sēma and Noēsis: Some Illustrations.” Arethusa 16:35–55. Recast as ch. 8 of GM = Nagy 1990b.

Nagy, G. 1983b. “On the Death of Sarpedon.” In Approaches to Homer, ed. C. A. Rubino and C. W. Shelmerdine, 189–217. Recast as ch. 5 of GM = Nagy 1990b.

Nagy, G. 1985. “Theognis and Megara: A Poet’s Vision of His City.” In Theognis of Megara: Poetry and the Polis, ed. T. J. Figueira and G. Nagy, 22–81. Baltimore. Corrigenda: at §77, “Pausanias 1.5.3 should be “Pausanias 1.5.4.”

Nagy, G. 1987. “The Sign of Protesilaos.” MÈTIS: Revue d’anthropologie du monde grec ancien 2:207–213.

Nagy, G. 1989a. Foreword to Martin 1989:ix–xi.

Nagy, G. 1989b. “Early Greek Views of Poets and Poetry.” In Cambridge History of Literary Criticism, ed. G. Kennedy, 1:1–77. Cambridge, MA. Revised and repurposed in Nagy 1990a.

Nagy, G. 1989c. “The ‘Professional Muse’ and Models of Prestige in Ancient Greece.” Cultural Critique 12:133–143. Rewritten as part of Ch.6 in Nagy 1990.

Nagy, G. 1990a. Pindar’s Homer: The Lyric Possession of an Epic Past. Baltimore.

Nagy, G. 1990b. Greek Mythology and Poetics. Ithaca, NY. Revised paperback edition 1992. Corrigenda: On p. 203 between “same line)” and “specified,” insert “of the marital bed; similarly, she ‘recognizes’ (ἀναγνούσῃ xix 250) as sēmata (same line) the clothes…” (in the present printed version, the reference to the marital bed as sēmata at Odyssey xxiii 206 is distorted by a mistaken omission of the wording that needs to be restored here: by haplography, the mention of the marital bed is omitted, and this omission distorts the point being made about the clothes and brooch of Odysseus as sēmata in their own right at xix 250). On p. 214n42, “Pausanias 9.44.44” should be 8.44.4.

Nagy, G. 1990c. “The King and the Hearth: Six Studies of Sacral Vocabulary Relating to the Fireplace.” A rewriting of Nagy 1974b in Nagy 1990b:143–201. Ithaca, NY.

Nagy, G. 1990d. “Ancient Greek Poetry, Prophecy, and concepts of Theory.” In Poetry and Prophecy: The Beginnings of a Literary Tradition, ed. J. Kugel, 56–64. Ithaca, NY.

Nagy, G. 1992a. “Homeric Questions.” Transactions of the American Philological Association 122:17-60. Recast in Nagy 1996b.

Nagy, G. 1992b. “Mythological Exemplum in Homer.” In Innovations of Antiquity, ed. R. Hexter and D. Selden, 311–331. New York and London. Recast in Nagy 1996b.

Nagy, G. 1992c. “Introduction to Homer.” In The Iliad, trans. R. Fitzgerald, v–xxi. Everyman’s Library 60. New York.

Nagy, G. 1992d. “Authorisation and Authorship in the Hesiodic Theogony.” Ramus21:119–130. This special issue of Ramus has the title Essays on Hesiod II and was edited by A. N. Athanassakis.

Nagy, G. 1993. “Alcaeus in Sacred Space.” In Tradizione e innovazione nella cultura greca da Omero all’ età ellenistica: Scritti in onore di Bruno Gentili, ed. R. Pretagostini, 221–225. Rome.

Nagy, G. 1994–1995. “A Mycenaean Reflex in Homer: phorênai.” Minos 29–30:171–175. Paired with the article of Willi 1994–1995. See also Nagy 2015.03.01.

Nagy, G. 1994/1995. “Transformations of Choral Lyric Traditions in the Context of Athenian State Theater.” Arion 3:41–55.

Nagy, G. 1994a. “The Name of Achilles: Questions of Etymology and ‘Folk Etymology’.” In Studies in Honor of Miroslav Marcovich. Illinois Classical Studies 19.2:3–9. Recast as ch. 6 (= pp. 131–137) in Nagy 2004.

Nagy, G. 1994b. “The Name of Apollo: Etymology and Essence.” In Apollo: Origins and Influences, ed. J. Solomon, 3–7. Tucson. Recast as ch. 7 (= pp. 138–143) in Nagy 2004.

Nagy, G. 1994c. Le meilleur des Achéens: La fabrique du héros dans la poésie grecque archaïque. Trans. J. Carlier and N. Loraux. Paris.

Nagy, G. 1994d. “Genre and Occasion.” Mètis: Anthropologie des mondes grecs anciens9–10:11–25.

Nagy, G. 1994e. “The Name of Apollo: Etymology and Essence.” In Solomon 1994:3–7. Rewritten as ch. 7 in Nagy 2004a.

Nagy, G. 1995a. “An Evolutionary Model for the Making of Homeric Poetry: Comparative Perspectives.” In Carter and Morris 1995:163–179. Recast in Nagy 1996b.

Nagy, G. 1995b. Review of Foley 1991. Classical Journal 91:93–94.

Nagy, G. 1996a. Poetry as Performance: Homer and Beyond. Cambridge.

Nagy, G. 1996b. Homeric Questions. Austin.

Nagy, G. 1996c. “Autorité et auteur dans la Théogonie hésiodique.” In Le métier du mythe: Lectures d’Hésiode, trans. Ph. Rousseau, ed. F. Blaise, P. Judet de La Combe, and Ph. Rousseau, 41–52. Villeneuve d’Ascq.

Nagy, G. 1996d. “Aristocrazia: Caratteri e stili di vita,” In I Greci: Storia, Cultura, Arte, Società, ed. S. Settis, 577–598. Turin.

Nagy, G. 1997a. “Ellipsis in Homer.” In Written Voices, Spoken Signs: Tradition, Performance, and the Epic Text, ed. E. Bakker and A. Kahane, 167–189, 253–257. Cambridge, MA.

Nagy, G. 1997b. “Homeric Scholia.” In Morris and Powell 1997:101–122.

Nagy, G. 1997c. “L’épopée homérique et la fixation du texte.” In Létoublon 1997:57–78.

Nagy, G. 1997d. “An inventory of debatable assumptions about a Homeric question.” Bryn Mawr Classical Review 1997.4.18.

Nagy, G. 1997e. “The Shield of Achilles: Ends of the Iliad and Beginnings of the Polis.” In New Light on a Dark Age: Exploring the Culture of Geometric Greece, ed. S. Langdon, 94–207. Columbia, MO. Recast as Ch. 4 in Nagy 2003. See also

Nagy, G. 1998a. “The Library of Pergamon as a Classical Model.” In Pergamon: Citadel of the Gods, ed. H. Koester, 185–232. Harvard Theological Studies 46. Philadelphia. 2nd ed. in Nagy 2012a,

Nagy, G. 1998b. “Aristarchean Questions.” Bryn Mawr Classical Review 1998.7.14.

Nagy, G. 1998c. “Homer as ‘Text’ and the Poetics of Cross-Reference.” In Verschriftung und Verschriftlichung: Aspekte des Medienwechsels in verschiedenen Kulturen und Epochen, ed. C. Ehler and U. Schaefer, 78–87. ScriptOralia 94. Tübingen.

Nagy, G. 1999a. The Best of the Achaeans: Concepts of the Hero in Archaic Greek Poetry. Revised ed. of Nagy 1979, with new introduction. Baltimore.

Nagy, G. 1999b. “Homer and Plato at the Panathenaia: Synchronic and Diachronic Perspectives.” In Contextualizing Classics, ed. T. M. Falkner, N. Felson, and D. Konstan, 127–155. Lanham, MD.

Nagy, G. 1999c. Foreword. In Dumézil 1999:vii–xi.

Nagy, G. 1999d. “Epic as Genre.” In Beissinger, Tylus, and Wofford 1999:21–32.

Nagy, G. 1999e. “Irreversible Mistakes and Homeric Poetry.” In Euphrosyne: Studies in Ancient Epic and its Legacy in Honor of Dimitris N. Maronitis, ed. J. N. Kazazis and A. Rengakos, 259–274. Stuttgart.

Nagy, G. 1999f. “As the World Runs Out of Breath: Metaphorical Perspectives on the Heavens and the Atmosphere in the Ancient World.” In Conway, Keniston, and Marx 1999:37–50.

Nagy, G. 1999g. Review of Vielle 1996. Classical Review 49:279–280.

Nagy, G. 2000a. “Epic as Music: Rhapsodic Models of Homer in Plato’s Timaeus and Critias.” In The Oral Epic: Performance and Music, ed. K. Reichl, 41–67. Berlin.

Nagy, G. 2000b. “Homeric humnos as a Rhapsodic Term.” In Una nueva visión de la cultura griega antigua hacia el fin del milenio, ed. A. M. González de Tobia, 385–401. La Plata.

Nagy, G. 2000c. Review of M. L. West, ed., Homeri Ilias. Recensuit / testimonia congessit. Volumen prius, rhapsodias I–XII continens, Bibliotheca Teubneriana, Stuttgart and Leipzig, 1998. Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2000.09.12.

Nagy, G. 2000d. “Distortion diachronique dans l’art homérique: quelques précisions.” In Constructions du temps dans le monde ancien, ed. C. Darbo-Peschanski, 417–426. Paris.

Nagy, G. 2000e. “‘Dream of a Shade’: Refractions of Epic Vision in Pindar’s Pythian 8 and Aeschylus’ Seven against Thebes.” Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 100:97–118.

Nagy, G. 2001a. “The Textualizing of Homer.” In Inclinate Aurem—Oral Perspectives on Early European Verbal Culture, ed. J. Helldén, M. S. Jensen, and T. Pettitt, 57–84. Odense.

Nagy, G. 2001b. “Homeric Poetry and Problems of Multiformity: The ‘Panathenaic Bottleneck’.” Classical Philology 96:109–119.

Nagy, G. 2001c. “The Sign of the Hero: A Prologue.” In Berenson Maclean and Aitken 2001:xv–xxxv. In the online version, the page numbering is given in arabic numerals.

Nagy, G. 2001d. “Reading Bakhtin Reading the Classics: An Epic Fate for Conveyors of the Heroic Past.” In Bakhtin and the Classics, ed. R. B. Branham, 71–96. Evanston, IL.

Nagy, G. 2001e. “Homère comme modèle classique pour la bibliothèque antique: les métaphores du corpus et du cosmos.” In Du livre au texte, vol. 1 of Des Alexandries, ed. L. Giard and Ch. Jacob, 149–161. Paris.

Nagy, G. 2001f. “Éléments orphiques chez Homère.” Kernos 14:1–9.

Nagy, G. 2001g. “Orality and Literacy.” In Encyclopedia of Rhetoric, ed. T. O. Sloane, 532–538. Oxford.

Nagy, G. 2002a. Plato’s Rhapsody and Homer’s Music: The Poetics of the Panathenaic Festival in Classical Athens. Cambridge, MA, and Athens.

Nagy, G. 2002b. “Can Myth Be Saved?” In Myth: A New Symposium, ed. G. Schrempp and W. Hansen, 240–248. Bloomington.

Nagy, G. 2003. Homeric Responses. Austin.

Nagy, G. 2004a. Homer’s Text and Language. Chicago and Urbana, IL.

Nagy, G. 2004b. “L’aède épique en auteur: la tradition des Vies d’Homère.” In Identités d’auteur dans l’Antiquité et la tradition européenne, ed. C. Calame and R. Chartier, 41–67. Grenoble.

Nagy, G. 2004c. “Transmission of Archaic Greek Sympotic Songs: From Lesbos to Alexandria.” Critical Inquiry 31:26–48.

Nagy, G. 2005a. “The Epic Hero.” In A Companion to Ancient Epic, ed. J. M. Foley, 71–89. Oxford. For the footnotes that are missing in this edition, see Nagy 2006.

Nagy, G. 2005b. “An Apobatic Moment for Achilles as Athlete at the Festival of the Panathenaia.” Imeros 5:311–317.

Nagy, G. 2005c. Foreword to Walsh 2005, at pp. ix–x.

Nagy, G. 2006. “The Epic Hero.” Expanded version of Nagy 2005a.

Nagy, G. 2007a. “Lyric and Greek Myth.” In The Cambridge Companion to Greek Mythology, ed. R. D. Woodard, 19–51. Cambridge. Updated version at

Nagy, G. 2007b. “Homer and Greek Myth.” In The Cambridge Companion to Greek Mythology, ed. R. D. Woodard, 52–82. Cambridge. Updated version at

Nagy, G. 2007c. “Did Sappho and Alcaeus Ever Meet?” In Literatur und Religion: Wege zu einer mythisch–rituellen Poetik bei den Griechen, ed. A. Bierl, R. Lämmle, and K. Wesselmann, 1:211–269. MythosEikonPoiesis 1.1. Berlin and New York.

Nagy, G. 2007d. “The fire ritual of the Iguvine Tables: Facing a central problem in the study of ritual language.” Classical World 100:151–157. Rewritten as Nagy 2015c:

Nagy, G. 2008a. Greek: An Updating of a Survey of Recent Work. Cambridge, MA, and Washington, DC. Updating of Nagy 1972 using original page numbering.

Nagy, G. 2008b. “Convergences and Divergences between God and Hero in the Mnesiepes Inscription of Paros.” In Archilochus and his Age, ed. D. Katsonopoulou, I. Petropoulos, and S. Katsarou, 2:259–265. Athens.

Nagy, G. 2008c. Review (part 1) of West 2007. Indo-European Studies Bulletin 13:60–65.

Nagy, G. 2008d. Homer the Classic. Hellenic Studies 36. Cambridge, MA, and Washington, DC. Print edition 2009.

Nagy, G. 2009a. “Did Sappho and Alcaeus Ever Meet?” 2nd ed. of Nagy 2007c.

Nagy, G. 2009b. “Hesiod and the Ancient Biographical Traditions.” The Brill Companion to Hesiod, ed. F. Montanari, A. Rengakos, and Ch. Tsagalis, 271–311. Leiden.

Nagy, G. 2009c. “An Apobatic Moment for Achilles as Athlete at the Festival of the Panathenaia.” Expanded version of Nagy 2005b.

Nagy, G. 2009d. “The Fragmentary Muse and the Poetics of Refraction in Sappho, Sophocles, Offenbach.” In Theater des Fragments: Performative Strategien im Theater zwischen Antike und Postmoderne, ed. A. Bierl, G. Siegmund, Ch. Meneghetti, C. Schuster, 69–102. Bielefeld. Expanded version at

Nagy, G. 2009e. “Traces of an ancient system of reading Homeric verse in the Venetus A.” In Recapturing a Homeric Legacy: Images and Insights from the Venetus A Manuscript of the Iliad, ed. C. Dué, 133–157. Hellenic Studies 35. Cambridge, MA, and Washington, DC.

Nagy, G. 2009f. Homer the Preclassic. Print edition 2010, Sather Classical Lectures 67, Berkeley and Los Angeles.

Nagy, G. 2010a. “The ‘New Sappho’ Reconsidered in the Light of the Athenian Reception of Sappho.” In The New Sappho on Old Age: Textual and Philosophical Issues, ed. E. Greene and M. Skinner, 176–199. Cambridge, MA, and Washington, DC.

Nagy, G. 2010b. “Ancient Greek Elegy.” In The Oxford Handbook of the Elegy, ed. K. Weisman, 13–45. Oxford.

Nagy, G. 2010c. “The Meaning of homoios (ὁμοῖος) in Verse 27 of the Hesiodic Theogony and Elsewhere.”In Allusion, Authority, and Truth: Critical Perspectives on Greek Poetic and Rhetorical Praxis, ed. P. Mitsis and Ch. Tsagalis, 153–167. Trends in Classics 7. Berlin and New York.

Nagy, G. 2010d. Review of West 2007. Classical Review 60:333–338. Expanded version

Nagy, G. 2010e. “The Subjectivity of Fear as Reflected in Ancient Greek Wording.” Dialogues 5:29–45. Expanded version in Nagy 2012a.

Nagy, G. 2010f. “Homer Multitext project.” In Online Humanities Scholarship: The Shape of Things to Come, ed. J. McGann, with A. Stauffer, D. Wheeles, and M. Pickard, 87–112. Houston.

Nagy, G. 2010g. “Language and Meter.” In A Companion to the Ancient Greek Language, ed. E. J. Bakker, 370–387 (= ch. 25). Malden, MA.

Nagy, G. 2011a. “Asopos and His Multiple Daughters: Traces of Preclassical Epic in the Aeginetan Odes of Pindar.” In Aegina: Contexts for Choral Lyric Poetry. Myth, History, and Identity in the Fifth Century BC, ed. D. Fearn, 41–78. Oxford.

Nagy, G. 2011b. “A Second Look at the Poetics of Reenactment in Ode 13 of Bacchylides.” In Archaic and Classical Choral Song: Performance, Politics and Dissemination, ed. L. Athanassaki and E. L. Bowie, 173–206. Berlin.

Nagy, G. 2011c. “Diachrony and the Case of Aesop.” Classics@. Issue 9: Defense Mechanisms in Interdisciplinary Approaches to Classical Studies and Beyond.

Nagy, G. 2011d. “The Earliest Phases in the Reception of the Homeric Hymns.” In The Homeric Hymns: Interpretative Essays, ed. A. Faulkner, 280–333. Oxford.

Nagy, G. 2011e. “The Aeolic Component of Homeric Diction.” In Proceedings of the 22nd Annual UCLA Indo-European Conference, ed. S. W. Jamison, H. C. Melchert, and B. Vine, 133–179. Bremen.

Nagy, G. 2011f. “Observations on Greek dialects in the late second millennium BCE.” Proceedings of the Academy of Athens. 86(2):81–96. Text of a lecture given at the Academy of Athens on 2011.04.06.

Nagy, G. 2011g. Review of R. Lane Fox, 2008. Journal of Hellenic Studies 131:166–169. London.

Nagy, G. 2012a. Short Writings. 4 vols.,,,

Nagy, G. 2012b. “Signs of Hero Cult in Homeric Poetry.” In Montanari, Rengakos, and Tsagalis 2012:27–71.

Nagy, G. 2012c. “Oral Poetics through the Lens of the Panathenaic Festival in Athens.” In Comparative Literature and World Literature, ed. Y. Chen and H. Zhang, 2:1–14. Beijing.

Nagy, G. 2013a. The Ancient Greek Hero in 24 Hours. Cambridge, MA.

Nagy, G. 2013b. “Virgil’s verse invitus, regina … and its poetic antecedents.”In More modoque: Die Wurzeln der europäischen Kultur und deren Rezeption im Orient und Okzident. Festschrift für Miklós Maróth zum siebzigsten Geburtstag, ed. P. Fodor, Gy. Mayer, M. Monostori, K. Szovák, L. Takács, 155–165. Budapest.

Nagy, G. 2013c. “The Delian Maidens and their relevance to choral mimesis in classical drama.” In Choral Mediations in Greek Tragedy, ed. R. Gagné and M. G. Hopman, 227–56. Cambridge.

Nagy, G. 2014a. “Herodotus and the Logioi of the Persians.” In No Tapping around Philology: A Festschrift in Honor of Wheeler McIntosh Thackston Jr.’s 70th Birthday, ed. A. Korangy and D. J. Sheffield, 185–191. Wiesbaden.

Nagy, G. 2014b. Review of Jensen 2011. Gnomon 86:97–101.

Nagy, G. 2015a. “A poetics of sisterly affect in the Brothers Song and in other songs of Sappho.” A shorter printed version is available as ch. 21 in Bierl and Lardinois 2016:449–492.

Nagy, G. 2015b. “Oral traditions, written texts, and questions of authorship.” In The Greek Epic Cycle and its ancient reception: A companion, ed. M. Fantuzzi and Ch. Tsagalis, 59–77. Cambridge.

Nagy, G. 2015c. “The fire ritual of the Iguvine Tables: Facing a central problem in the study of ritual language.” Electronic second edition of an essay originally published 2007 in Classical World 100:151–157,

Nagy, G. 2015d. Masterpieces of Metonymy: From Ancient Greek Times to Now. Hellenic Studies 72. Cambridge, MA, and Washington, DC.

Nagy, G. 2015.02.14. “God-Hero antagonism in the Hippolytus of Euripides.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2015.02.20. “The barley cakes of Sosipolis and Eileithuia.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2015.02.27. “Song 44 of Sappho and the role of women in the making of epic.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2015.03.01. “A second look at a possible Mycenaean reflex in Homer: phorēnai.”

Nagy, G. 2015.03.06. “Andromache and her virtuosity as a singer of laments in the Homeric Iliad, Part I.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2015.03.13. “A roll of the dice for Ajax.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2015.03.20. “On the festival of the goddess Hērā at the Hēraion overlooking the Plain of Argos.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2015.03.27. “The last words of Socrates at the place where he died.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2015.04.02. “On traces of hero-cults for Socrates and Plato.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2015.04.10. “Who is the best of heroes, Achilles or Odysseus? And which is the best of epics, the Iliad or the Odyssey?” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2015.04.17. “The vow of Socrates.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2015.04.24. “A haircut for Achilles and a model for Greeks in the post-heroic era.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2015.05.01. “Mērionēs rides again: An alternative model for a heroic charioteer.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2015.05.08. “The upgrading of Mērionēs from chariot driver to chariot fighter.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2015.05.15. “A failed understudy for the role of chariot fighter: the case of Koiranos, the king who never was.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2015.05.20. “The failed apobatic adventure of Pandaros the archer: A bifocal commentary on Iliad 5.166–469.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2015.05.27. “An experiment in the making of a Homer commentary: Taking a shortcut in analyzing the first song of Demodokos in Odyssey 8.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2015.06.03. “To trace a thread of thought starting from a Homeric song that seems to have no ending.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2015.06.10. “Feeling pain and delight while hearing a song in Odyssey 8.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2015.06.17. “An unnamed woman’s lament as a signal of epic sorrow.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2015.06.24. “A pseudo-Homer gets exposed by Homer.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2015.07.01. “Herodotus and a courtesan from Naucratis.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2015.07.08. “Sappho’s ‘fire under the skin’ and the erotic syntax of an epigram by Posidippus.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2015.07.15. “Classical variations on a story about an Egyptian queen in love.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2015.07.22. “East of the Achaeans: Making up for a missed opportunity while reading Hittite texts.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2015.08.05. “A historical Cato caught in the vortex of an ancient biography.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2015.08.12. “Cato’s daughter Porcia has herself a really good cry.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2015.08.19. “About three fair-haired Egyptian queens.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2015.08.26. “The idea of ‘finders keepers’ as a signature for two sea-empires.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2015.09.03. “Looking through rose-colored glasses while sailing on a sacred journey.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2015.09.10. “From Athens to Crete and Back.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2015.09.17. “A Cretan Odyssey, Part 1.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2015.09.24. “A Cretan Odyssey, Part 2.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2015.10.01. “Genre, Occasion, and Choral Mimesis Revisited—with special reference to the ‘newest Sappho’.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2015.10.08. “The ‘Newest Sappho’: a set of working translations, with minimal comments.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2015.10.09. “An experiment in combining visual art with translations of Sappho.” Classical Inquiries. With artwork by Glynnis Fawkes.

Nagy, G. 2015.10.15. “Homo ludens in the world of ancient Greek verbal art.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2015.10.22. “Diachronic Sappho: some prolegomena.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2015.10.29. “‘The mother, so sad it is, of the very best’: The lament of Thetis in Iliad 18.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2015.11.05. “Once again this time in Song 1 of Sappho.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2015.11.09. “An experiment in combining visual art with translations of Sappho, Part 2.” Classical Inquiries. With artwork by Glynnis Fawkes.

Nagy, G. 2015.11.12. “The Tithonos Song of Sappho.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2015.11.19. “Echoes of Sappho in two epigrams of Posidippus.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2015.11.27. “Aristotle’s Poetics, translation and commentary in progress, Chapter 1.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2015.12.03. “Girl, interrupted: more about echoes of Sappho in Epigram 55 of Posidippus.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2015.12.12. “In an octopus’s garden: a story from Lesbos.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2015.12.18a. “‘Life of Homer’ myths as evidence for the reception of Homer.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2015.12.18b. “The rhetoric of national literature in the shaping of the lives of poets.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2015.12.24. “Pindar’s Homer is not ‘our’ Homer.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2015.12.31. “Some imitations of Pindar and Sappho by Horace.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2016. “The Idea of an Archetype in Texts Stemming from the Empire Founded by Cyrus the Great.” In The Archaeology of Greece and Rome: Studies in Honour of Anthony Snodgrass, ed. J. Bintliff and K. Rutter, 337–357.

Nagy, G. 2016.01.07. “Weaving while singing Sappho’s songs in Epigram 55 of Posidippus.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2016.01.15. “Previewing a concise inventory of Greek etymologies, Part 1: Introduction by Gregory Nagy 2016.01.15 to the shape of things to come.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2016.01.21. “Aristotle’s Poetics, translation and commentary in progress, Chapter 2.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2016.01.28. “Aristotle’s Poetics, translation and commentary in progress, Chapter 3.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2016.02.04. “Aristotle’s Poetics, translation and commentary in progress, Chapter 4.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2016.02.11. “What is on Homer’s mind?” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2016.02.18. “Just to look at all the shining bronze here, I thought I’d died and gone to heaven: Seeing bronze in the ancient Greek world.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2016.02.25. “A variation on the idea of a gleam that blinded Homer.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2016.03.03. “Picturing Homer as a cult hero.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2016.03.10. “Jean Bollack in English, a preview of a foreword to The Art of Reading, Part I.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2016.03.16. “Where it all comes together for me: a sacred space of the goddess Hērā.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2016.03.24. “Things noted during five days of travel-study in Greece, 2016.03.13–18.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2016.03.31. “Jean Bollack in English, a preview of a foreword to The Art of Reading, Part II.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2016.04.07. “Jean Bollack in English, a preview of a foreword to The Art of Reading, Part III.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2016.04.14. “Jean Bollack in English, a preview of a foreword to The Art of Reading, Part IV.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2016.04.21. “Jean Bollack in English, a preview of a foreword to The Art of Reading, Part V.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2016.04.28. “Jean Bollack in English, a preview of a foreword to The Art of Reading, Part VI.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2016.05.02. “Helen of Sparta and her very own Eidolon.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2016.05.05. “Longinus and a theological view of Zeus as god of the sky.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2016.05.12. “Variations on a theological view of Zeus as god of the sky.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2016.05.19. “Cataclysm and ecpyrosis, two symmetrical actions of Zeus as sky-god.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2016.05.26. “Trying to read the Will of Zeus.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2016.06.02. “Revisiting the question of etymology and essence.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2016.06.09. “A sampling of comments on Iliad Rhapsody 1.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2016.06.16. “Comments on the visit of Pausanias to Mycenae.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2016.06.24. “Things noted during eight days of travel-study in Greece, 2016.06.10–18.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2016.07.01. “A sampling of comments on Iliad Rhapsody 2.” Classical Inquiries. Updated 2018.08.16.

Nagy, G. 2016.07.07. “A sampling of comments on Iliad Rhapsody 3.” Classical Inquiries. Updated 2018.08.16.

Nagy, G. 2016.07.14. “Eight glimpses of Marathon in Scroll 1 of Pausanias.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2016.07.21. “A sampling of comments on Iliad Rhapsody 4.” Classical Inquiries. Updated 2018.09.08.

Nagy, G. 2016.07.28. “A sampling of comments on Iliad Rhapsody 5.” Classical Inquiries. Updated 2018.09.08.

Nagy, G. 2016.08.04. “A sampling of comments on Iliad Rhapsody 6.” Classical Inquiries. Updated 2018.09.08.

Nagy, G. 2016.08.12. “A sampling of comments on Iliad Rhapsody 7.” Classical Inquiries. Updated 2018.09.08.

Nagy, G. 2016.08.18. “A sampling of comments on Iliad Rhapsody 8.” Classical Inquiries. Updated 2018.09.08.

Nagy, G. 2016.08.26. “A sampling of comments on Iliad Rhapsody 9.” Classical Inquiries. Updated 2018.09.08.

Nagy, G. 2016.08.31. “Song 44 of Sappho revisited: what is ‘oral’ about the text of this song?” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2016.09.07. “Some ‘anchor comments’ on an ‘Aeolian’ Homer.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2016.09.15. “A sampling of comments on Iliad Rhapsody 10.” Classical Inquiries. Updated 2018.09.11.

Nagy, G. 2016.09.23. “On the paraphrase of Iliad 1.012–042 in Plato’s Republic 3.393d–394a.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2016.09.27. “A sampling of comments on Iliad Rhapsody 11.” Classical Inquiries. Updated 2018.09.11.

Nagy, G. 2016.10.05. “A sampling of comments on Iliad Rhapsody 12.” Classical Inquiries. Updated 2018.09.11.

Nagy, G. 2016.10.08. “Sappho and mythmaking in the context of an Aeolian-Ionian poetic Sprachbund.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2016.10.13. “A sampling of comments on Iliad Rhapsody 13.” Updated 2018.09.11. Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2016.10.20. “A sampling of comments on Iliad Rhapsody 14.” Updated 2018.09.11. Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2016.10.27. “A sampling of comments on Iliad Rhapsody 15.” Updated 2018.09.11. Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2016.11.03. “Some jottings on the pronouncements of the Delphic Oracle.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2016.11.09. “A sampling of comments on Iliad Rhapsody 16.” Updated 2018.09.11. Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2016.11.18. “A sampling of comments on Iliad Rhapsody 17.” Updated 2018.09.20. Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2016.11.25. “A sampling of comments on Iliad Rhapsody 18.” Updated 2018.09.20. Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2016.12.01. “A sampling of comments on Iliad Rhapsody 19.” Updated 2018.09.20. Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2016.12.09. “A sampling of comments on Iliad Rhapsody 20.” Updated 2018.09.20. Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2016.12.15. “A sampling of comments on Iliad Rhapsody 21.” Updated 2018.09.20. Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2016.12.24. “A sampling of comments on Iliad Rhapsody 22.” Updated 2018.09.20. Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2016.12.30. “A sampling of comments on Iliad Rhapsody 23.” Updated 2018.09.20. Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2016.12.31. “A sampling of comments on Iliad Rhapsody 24.” Updated 2018.09.20. Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2017a. “Things said and not said in a ritual text: Iguvine Tables Ib 10–16 / VIb 48–53.” In Miscellanea Indogermanica: Festschrift für José Luis García Ramón zum 65. Geburtstag, ed. I. Hajnal, D. Kölligan, and K. Zipser, 509–549. Innsbrucker Beiträge zur Sprachwissenschaft 154. Innsbruck.

Nagy, G. 2017b. “A Sampling of comments on the Iliad and Odyssey.”

Nagy, G. 2017.01.03. “An anchor comment on the tomb of Achilles at Odyssey24.76–84.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2017.01.12. “Iphigeneia and Iphianassa.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2017.01.18. “On weaving and sewing as metaphors for ancient Greek verbal arts.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2017.02.03. “Orality and literacy revisited.” Classical Inquiries. Updated 2019.12.23.

Nagy, G. 2017.02.09. “About re-learning ideas I once learned from Roman Jakobson.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2017.02.17. “Sappho in the role of leader.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2017.02.23. “Sappho, once again this time.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2017.03.02. “A sampling of comments on Odyssey Rhapsody 1.” Classical Inquiries. Updated 2018.10.06.

Nagy, G. 2017.03.09. “A sampling of comments on Odyssey Rhapsody 2.” Classical Inquiries. Updated 2018.10.06.

Nagy, G. 2017.03.16. “A bathtub in Pylos.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2017.03.23. “Sappho and Aesop, distinctions between diachronic and historical perspectives.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy. G. 2017.03.30. “A sampling of comments on Odyssey Rhapsody 3.” Classical Inquiries. Updated 2018.10.06.

Nagy, G. 2017.04.06. “A sampling of comments on Odyssey Rhapsody 4.” Classical Inquiries. Updated 2018.10.06.

Nagy, G. 2017.04.13. “A sampling of comments on Odyssey Rhapsody 5.” Classical Inquiries. Updated 2018.10.07.

Nagy, G. 2017.04.18. “Thinking Iranian, rethinking Greek.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2017.04.26. “Steuermann of Dionysus.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2017.05.04. “A sampling of comments on Odyssey Rhapsody 6.” Classical Inquiries. Updated 2018.10.07.

Nagy, G. 2017.05.11. “A sampling of comments on Odyssey Rhapsody 7.” Classical Inquiries. Updated 2018.10.08.

Nagy, G. 2017.05.18. “A sampling of comments on Odyssey Rhapsody 8.” Classical Inquiries. Updated 2018.10.08.

Nagy, G. 2017.05.25. “A sampling of comments on Odyssey Rhapsody 9.” Classical Inquiries. Updated 2018.10.08.

Nagy, G. 2017.06.01. “A sampling of comments on Odyssey Rhapsody 10.” Classical Inquiries. Updated 2018.10.08.

Nagy, G. 2017.06.08. “A sampling of comments on Odyssey Rhapsody 11.” Classical Inquiries. Updated 2018.10.08.

Nagy, G. 2017.06.10. “Diachronic Homer and a Cretan Odyssey.”

Nagy, G. 2017.06.15. “A sampling of comments on Odyssey Rhapsody 12.” Classical Inquiries. Updated 2018.10.08.

Nagy, G. 2017.06.22. “A sampling of comments on Odyssey Rhapsody 13.” Classical Inquiries. Updated 2018.10.08.

Nagy, G. 2017.06.25. “Mages and Ionians.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2017.06.29. “A sampling of comments on Odyssey Rhapsody 14.” Classical Inquiries. Updated 2018.10.09.

Nagy, G. 2017.07.03. “A sampling of comments on Odyssey Rhapsody 15.” Classical Inquiries. Updated 2018.10.12.

Nagy, G. 2017.07.06. “A sampling of comments on Odyssey Rhapsody 16.” Classical Inquiries. Updated 2018.10.12.

Nagy, G. 2017.07.14. “A sampling of comments on Odyssey Rhapsody 17.” Classical Inquiries. Updated 2018.10.13.

Nagy, G. 2017.07.19. “A sampling of comments on Odyssey Rhapsody 18.” Classical Inquiries. Updated 2018.10.13.

Nagy, G. 2017.07.24. “A sampling of comments on Odyssey Rhapsody 19.” Classical Inquiries. Updated 2018.10.13.

Nagy, G. 2017.08.03. “A sampling of comments on Odyssey Rhapsody 20.” Classical Inquiries. Updated 2018.10.13.

Nagy, G. 2017.08.10. “A sampling of comments on Odyssey Rhapsody 21.” Classical Inquiries. Updated 2018.10.13.

Nagy, G. 2017.08.17. “A sampling of comments on Odyssey Rhapsody 22.” Classical Inquiries. Updated 2018.10.13.

Nagy, G. 2017.08.23. “A sampling of comments on Odyssey Rhapsody 23.” Classical Inquiries. Updated 2018.10.13.

Nagy, G. 2017.08.28. A response to the critique by Alexander Dale of my proposed etymology for Sapphō. Bryn Mawr Classical Review.

Nagy, G. 2017.08.31. “A sampling of comments on Odyssey Rhapsody 24.” Classical Inquiries. Updated 2018.10.13.

Nagy, G. 2017.09.08. “Polycrates and his patronage of two lyric masters, Anacreon and Ibycus.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2017.09.14. “Afterthoughts about Polycrates, Anacreon, and Ibycus.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2017.09.21. “David Lynch’s Visualizations and Greek poetry, Part One: ‘James’s song’ and Song 31 of Sappho.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2017.09.28. “A sampling of comments on Pindar Nemean 7.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2017.10.05. “A sampling of comments on Pindar Isthmian 8.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2017.10.10. “A sampling of comments on Pausanias: 1.1.1, the first two sentences.” Classical Inquiries. Updated 2017.10.14.

Nagy, G. 2017.10.18. “A sampling of comments on Pausanias 1.1.1–1.2.1.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2017.10.26. “On Ingmar Bergman’s Queen of the Night in his film version of Mozart’s The Magic Flute.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2017.11.02. “Commentary on The Tales of Hoffmann.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2017.11.09. “A sampling of comments on Pausanias: 1.2.2–1.3.1.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2017.11.12. “Draft of a declaration by the founding authors of A Homer commentary in progress.” Classical Inquiries. Updated 2018.08.24 and 2020.01.19.

Nagy, G. 2017.11.17. “A foreword to an essay by Charles de Lamberterie.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2017.11.30. “A sampling of comments on Pausanias: 1.3.2–1.4.6.” Classical Inquiries. Updated 2017.12.03.

Nagy, G. 2017.12.09. “On a new book by Richard P. Martin, draft of a Foreword written by an admiring editor.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2017.12.14. “A sampling of comments on Pausanias: 1.5.1–1.8.1.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2017.12.21. “A sampling of comments on Pausanias: 1.8.2–1.13.8.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2017.12.28. “A sampling of comments on Pausanias: 1.14.1–9.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2018.01.04. “A sampling of comments on Pausanias: 1.15.1–4.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2018.01.12. “A sampling of comments on Pausanias 1.16.1–1.17.2.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2018.01.19. “A sampling of comments on Pausanias: 1.17.3–6.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2018.01.25. “A sampling of comments on Pausanias: 1.18.1–9.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2018.02.01. “A sampling of comments on Pausanias: 1.19.1–1.20.3.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2018.02.08. “The Oath of the Ephebes as a symbol of democracy—and of environmentalism.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2018.02.14. “What GN owes OMD.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2018.02.21. “A sampling of comments on Pausanias: 1.20.4–1.21.3.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2018.03.01. “A sampling of comments on Pausanias: 1.21.4—1.24.7.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2018.03.07. “A reader for travel-study in Greece.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2018.03.14. “Learning to sing, and a dead master of song.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2018.03.22. “A plane tree in Nafplio: decorating a reader for travel-study in Greece, March 2018.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2018.03.29. “On Ariadne, draft of a new Foreword to a 1970 work of Robert T. Teske on a latent divinity.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2018.04.05. “A sampling of comments on Pausanias: 1.24.8–1.27.3.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2018.04.13. “A sampling of comments on Pindar Pythian 6.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2018.04.20. “A sampling of comments on the Herakles of Euripides.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2018.04.26. “Toward a more extensive commentary, on Pausanias 1.27.4–1.29.1.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2018.05.04. “A placeholder for the hero Amphiaraos.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2018.05.18. “About Ann Bergren.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2018.05.25. “A placeholder for the White Goddess.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2018.06.01. “Lelantine War, Eretria and Chalkis, and the Contest of Homer and Hesiod.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2018.06.06. “Picturing Archilochus as a cult hero.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2018.06.14. “Smooth surfaces and rough edges in retranslating Pausanias, Part 1.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2018.06.21. “A placeholder for the love story of Phaedra and Hippolytus: What’s love got to do with it?” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2018.06.30. “Sacred Space as a frame for lyric occasions: The case of the Mnesiepes Inscription and other possible cases.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2018.07.06. “Erotic desecration and sacralization in Greek myth and ritual.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2018.07.13. “The sad story of a priestess in love: a resacralizing of sex in Greek myth and ritual.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2018.07.20. “Pausanias as novelist: a micro-sample.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2018.07.27. “Are Zeus and Hērā a dysfunctional couple?” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2018.08.03. “More on the love story of Phaedra and Hippolytus: comparing the references in Pausanias and Euripides.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2018.08.10. “Thoughts about heroes, athletes, poetry.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2018.08.16. “A re-invocation of the Muse for the Homeric Iliad.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2018.08.23. “Comments on Picnic at Hanging Rock, a film directed by Peter Weir (1975).” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2018.08.29a. “Blade Runner—replicants are good to think with, while thinking about ancient Greek heroes.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2018.08.29b. “Blade Runner—further thoughts.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2018.09.05a. “Ch’unhyang—typological comparisons from late-Chosŏn Korean song culture and modern Korean film culture.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2018.09.05b. “Ch’unhyang—further typological comparisons from late-Chosŏn Korean song culture and modern Korean film culture.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2018.09.15. “Martin Scorsese, master of fusing the visual art of film with other media: a brief example.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2018.09.22. “Comments on the Pearl Fishers of Georges Bizet.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2018.09.29. “On a rhetoric of dreaming: thoughts about a Freudian insight of Emile Benveniste.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2018.10.04. “On a ‘guessing song’ sung by Cherubino in Mozart’s Marriage of Figaro.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2018.10.11. “About Greek alētheia ‘truth’: Marcel Detienne challenges Martin Heidegger.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2018.10.18. “‘I’m burning up in flames and I’m drowning’: On the poetry of Nikos Gatsos, inside the music of Stavros Xarhakos, inside the film Rebetiko.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2018.10.28. “About the Green Ray of Jules Verne and Eric Rohmer.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2018.11.01. “Artemis and a massacre at the Tree of Life.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2018.11.09. “Poetry Incarnate: Puccini’s Mimì as metonymy and metaphor combined.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2018.11.16. “Two librettists, unsung heroes of Puccini’s La Bohème.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2018.11.22. “Homeric problems and bibliographical challenges, Part 1: On the performances of rhapsodes at the festival of the Panathenaia.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2018.11.30. “Homeric problems and bibliographical challenges, Part 2: More on the performances of rhapsodes at the festival of the Panathenaia.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2018.12.06. “Previewing an essay on the shaping of the Lyric Canon in Athens.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2018.12.13. “Two small comments on Catullus Two: an iconic effect and an expression of delight in what is beautiful.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2018.12.21. “A preview of Mages and Ionians revisited.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2018.12.27. “Seven Greek tragedies, seven simple overviews.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2019a. “Genre, Occasion, and Choral Mimesis Revisited, with Special Reference to the ‘Newest Sappho’.” In Genre in Archaic and Classical Greek Poetry, ed. M. Foster, L. Kurke, and N. Weiss, 31–54 = Part 1, “Keynote Address.” Mnemosyne Supplements 428. Vol. 4 of Studies in Archaic and Classical Greek Song. Leiden and Boston. Open Access.

Nagy, G. 2019b. “On the Shaping of the Lyric Canon in Athens.” In The Reception of Greek Lyric Poetry in the Ancient World: Transmission, Canonization and Paratext, ed. B. Currie and I. Rutherford, 95–111. Vol. 5 of Studies in Archaic and Classical Greek Song. Mnemosyne Supplements 430. Leiden.

Nagy, G. 2019c. “A ritualized rethinking of what it meant to be ‘European’ for ancient Greeks of the post-heroic age: evidence from the Heroikos of Philostratus.” In Thinking the Greeks: A Volume in Honour of James M. Redfield, ed. B. M. King and L. Doherty, 173–187. London and New York.

Nagy, G. 2019.01.08. “Homo ludens at play with the songs of Sappho: Experiments in comparative reception theory, Essay One.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2019.01.16. “Homo ludens at play with the songs of Sappho: Experiments in comparative reception theory, Essay Two.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2019.01.25. “Homo ludens at play with the songs of Sappho: Experiments in comparative reception theory, Essay Three.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2019.01.31. “Homo ludens at play with the songs of Sappho: Experiments in comparative reception theory, Essay Four.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2019.02.08. “Homo ludens at play with the songs of Sappho: Experiments in comparative reception theory, Essay Five.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2019.02.14. “Musings about a scene pictured by the Achilles Painter.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2019.02.22. “Homo ludens at play with the songs of Sappho: Experiments in comparative reception theory, Essay Six.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2019.03.01. “Homo ludens at play with the songs of Sappho: Experiments in comparative reception theory, Essay Seven.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2019.03.08. “A scenario for exchanges of comments on a planned monograph about the ancient reception of Sappho.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2019.03.15. “Analyzing a song to a sparrow: ‘I’m for you the girl, you’re for me the joy’.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2019.03.22. “What Pausanias saw when he looked up at the pediments of the temple of Zeus in Olympia.” Classical Inquiries. Updated 2019.04.17 and 2019.07.20.

Nagy, G. 2019.03.29. “A brief note about the picturing of apples in the poetics of Sappho.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2019.04.05. “A personal checklist of memorable wordings in Albert B. Lord’s The Singer of Tales.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2019.04.12. “A personal checklist of memorable wordings in Parts I and II of Richard P. Martin’s Mythologizing Performance.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2019.04.19. “About a defeat of the Centaurs, and how to imagine such an event in Olympia.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2019.04.26. “How to be a good Centaur.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2019.05.03. “Can we think of Centaurs as a species?” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2019.05.10. “On Herakles as a model for the athlete Milo of Croton.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2019.05.17. “Nostalgic glimpses in search of the Three Musketeers of 10 rue Monsieur-le-Prince.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2019.05.24. “On cases of wolfish rage experienced by Greek heroes.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2019.05.31. “A comparative approach to beast fables in Greek songmaking, Part 1: A would-be Aesopic werewolf.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2019.06.07. “A comparative approach to beast fables in Greek songmaking, Part 2: The case of a story about Aesop and a barking dog in the Wasps of Aristophanes.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2019.06.11. “A comparative approach to beast fables in Greek songmaking, Part 3: A dog’s craving for meat as a signal foretelling the death of Aesop.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2019.06.21. “On a fable about the hawk as a strongman.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2019.06.28. “Sensations of agony and ecstasy while indexing a book about ancient Greek heroes.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2019.07.06. “Olympus as mountain and Olympia as venue for the Olympics: a question about the naming of these places.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2019.07.12. “The apotheosis of Hēraklēs on Olympus and the mythological origins of the Olympics.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2019.07.19. “A Mycenaean background for Hēraklēs as a model for athletes.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2019.07.26. “Thinking comparatively about Greek mythology I, Hēraklēs as athlete.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2019.08.02. “Thinking comparatively about Greek mythology II, Hēraklēs as an ‘Indo-European’ hero.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2019.08.08. “Thinking comparatively about Greek mythology III, Hēraklēs compared to a hero of the Mahābhārata.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2019.08.15. “Thinking comparatively about Greek mythology IV, Reconstructing Hēraklēs backward in time.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2019.08.22. “Thinking comparatively about Greek mythology V, Reconstructing Hēraklēs forward in time.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2019.08.30. “Thinking comparatively about Greek mythology VI, A Mycenaean phase in the reception of myths about Hēraklēs.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2019.09.06. “Thinking comparatively about Greek mythology VII, Greek mythological models for prototyping Hēraklēs.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2019.09.13. “Thinking comparatively about Greek mythology VIII, Some rough patches along the way toward a prototyping of Hēraklēs.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2019.09.20. “Thinking comparatively about Greek mythology IX, Further rough patches for Hēraklēs.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2019.09.27. “Thinking comparatively about Greek mythology X, A Homeric lens for viewing Hēraklēs.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2019.10.04. “Thinking comparatively about Greek mythology XI, Homeric marginalizations of Hēraklēs as an epic hero.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2019.10.11. “Thinking comparatively about Greek mythology XII, Hēraklēs at his station in Mycenaean Tiryns.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2019.10.18. “Thinking comparatively about Greek mythology XIII, with a focus on the role of Hēraklēs as kingmaker.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2019.10.25. “Thinking comparatively about Greek mythology XIV, with a focus on the role of Hēraklēs as a leader of fighting men.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2019.10.31. “Thinking comparatively about Greek mythology XV, with a focus on Hēraklēs of Tiryns as military leader of the Mycenaean Empire.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2019.11.08. “Thinking comparatively about Greek mythology XVI, with a focus on Dorians led by kingly ‘sons’ of Hēraklēs the kingmaker.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2019.11.15. “Thinking comparatively about Greek mythology XVII, with placeholders that stem from a conversation with Tom Palaima, starting with this question: was Hēraklēs a Dorian?” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2019.11.22. “About what kinds of things we may learn about mythology by reading about rituals recorded by bureaucratic scribes.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2019.11.27. “Thinking comparatively about Greek mythology XVIII, a post-Mycenaean view of Hēraklēs as founder of the Olympics.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2019.12.04. “Introductory comments marking the occasion of an international conference on orality and literacy, University of Wrocław 2019.12.04–06.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2019.12.12. “About writings and rewritings by scribes: an e-dialogue with Hana Navratilova.” Classical Inquiries. Updated 2019.12.15.

Nagy, G. 2019.12.20. “Thinking comparatively about Greek mythology XIX, a post-Mycenaean view of Hēraklēs as a performer of his Labors.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2019.12.27. “Minoan and Mycenaean fig trees: some retrospective and prospective comments.” Classical Inquiries. Updated 2020.01.02.

Nagy, G. 2020. Second edition of Nagy 2013.

Nagy, G. 2020. Plato’s Rhapsody and Homer’s Music: The Poetics of the Panathenaic Festival in Classical Athens. 2nd ed. of Nagy 2002a.

Nagy, G. 2020.01.03. “A Minoan-Mycenaean scribal legacy for converting rough copies into fair copies.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2020.01.10. “Echoes of a Minoan-Mycenaean scribal legacy in a story told by Herodotus.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2020.01.17. “Some missing links in my efforts to trace continuities as well as discontinuities in Minoan-Mycenaean scribal practices.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2020.01.24. “I am a scribe who writes letters, and my writing gives me power: variations on a theme in the ancient Mediterranean and Near East.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2020.01.31. “Did the kings of Sparta commission texts to be written down by scribes?” Classical Inquiries. Updated 2020.02.01.

Nagy, G. 2020.02.07. “What thoughts you have of me, and what thoughts I have of you, in poems by Walt Whitman and Allen Ginsberg.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2020.02.14. “Comments on comparative mythology 1, about Apollo.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2020.02.21. “Comments on comparative mythology 2, about an Indo-European background for ancient Greek myths about Hēraklēs, son of Zeus.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2020.02.28. “Comments on comparative mythology 3, about trifunctionality and the Judgment of Paris.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2020.03.06. “Comments on comparative mythology 4, a dysfunctional misunderstanding of trifunctionality in myths about the Judgment of Paris.” Classical Inquiries. Updated 2020.03.08.

Nagy, G. 2020.03.13. “Comments on comparative mythology 5, an afterthought of Georges Dumézil about trifunctionality and the Judgment of Paris.” Classical Inquiries. Updated 2020.03.18.

Nagy, G. 2020.03.20. “Comments on comparative mythology 6, trifunctionality and the goddess Hērā.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2020.03.22. “The idea of immediate learning in an age of necessitated distance education.” Classical Inquiries. Updated 2020.03.25.

Nagy, G. 2020.04.03. “Comments on comparative mythology 7, finding a cure for the anger of Hērā.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2020.04.10. “About Greek goddesses as mothers or would-be mothers.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2020.04.17. “Questions while viewing Greek myths and rituals through the lens of Pausanias, I: Did Athena, goddess of Athens, belong only to the Athenians?” Classical Inquiries. Updated 2020.04.23.

Nagy, G. 2020.04.24. “Questions while viewing Greek myths and rituals through the lens of Pausanias, II: In Mycenaean times, was Athena a goddess who was worshipped only in Athens?” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2020.05.01. “Questions while viewing Greek myths and rituals through the lens of Pausanias, III: Is ‘Athena’ the name of a person or of a place?” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2020.05.08. “Questions while viewing Greek myths and rituals through the lens of Pausanias, IV: Is Athena, viewed theologically, a person?” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2020.05.15. “Minoan-Mycenaean signatures observed by Pausanias at a sacred space dominated by Athena.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2020.05.22. “More about Minoan-Mycenaean signatures observed by Pausanias at sacred spaces dominated by Athena.” Classical Inquiries. Updated 2020.05.23.

Nagy, G. 2020.05.29. “About some kind of an epiphany as pictured in Minoan glyptic art, and about its relevance to a myth as retold by Pausanias.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2020.06.03. “The Libraries of Alexandria and Pergamon as Classical Models.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2020.06.05. “The Library as a garden of the Muses.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2020.06.12. “Pausanias at Sounion: why no mention of Poseidon?” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2020.06.19. “A variation on the theme of Athena: The Palladium, as viewed by Pausanias on the Acropolis of Athens.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2020.06.26. “Revisiting Plato’s Rhapsody: A contribution to a colloquium about Poetic (Mis)quotations in Plato.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2020.07.03. See Nagy 2020.

Nagy, G. 2020.07.10. “On some mystifying language used by Pausanias in referring to the Eleusinian Mysteries.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2020.07.17. “For anyone tempted to read the Homeric Iliad, all of it, in translation: some words about a book that can help with getting started.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2020.07.24. “About a scene pictured on the Bronze Doors of the Supreme Court, already pictured once upon a time on the Shield of Achilles.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2020.07.31. “Death of a ram, death of Patroklos.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2020.08.07. “About a perfect start for a world-wide web of song.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2020.08.14. “Death of an Amazon.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2020.08.21. “Death of a ram, Part 2.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2020.08.28. “Crying at sunset on the eve of the Olympics.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2020.09.04. “Death at sunset for Sappho.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2020.09.11. “A draft of an essay-in-progress about heroic beauty.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2020.09.18. “An Iliadic Odyssey as a song of the Sirens.” Classical Inquiries

Nagy, G. 2020.09.25. “How Homeric poetry may help us achieve a keener appreciation of Sappho’s wedding songs.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2020.10.02. “Thoughts about modulations in color from purple to red and from purple to blue while previewing a seminal work by Morris Silver, with afterthoughts about the color yellow.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2020.10.09. “Percy Jackson’s visit to Lotus Hotel, viewed through a Homeric lens.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2020.10.16. “Prospects of an Odyssean homecoming for Percy Jackson after his sojourn in Lotus Hotel: 75 minutes of intergenerational conversations with Rick Riordan.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2020.10.23. “Girl, interrupted, and some possibilities for linking the hymeneal songs of Sappho with the etymologies of two Greek words, humḗn (ὑμήν) and húmnos (ὕμνος).” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2020.10.30. “Looking for references to Sappho’s songs in Athenian vase paintings: preliminary comments.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2020.11.06. “On the reception of Sappho as a personal experience to be expressed in pictures: examples from two vase paintings produced in classical Athens, fifth century BCE.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2020.11.13. “Some narrowings and some widenings of my lens for viewing the reception of Sappho in the ancient world.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2020.11.20. “Thinking of desiderata while tracing the reception of Sappho in the ancient world.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2020.11.27. “Thinking of further desiderata while tracing the reception of Sappho in the ancient world.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2020.12.04. “A sweet bird for the songs of Sappho.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2020.12.11. “Some rose-colored visions of the dancing dawn goddess in the painterly art of Sappho and beyond.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2020.12.18. “From the heavenly to the earthy and back, variations on a theme of love-on-wings in Song 1 of Sappho and elsewhere.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2020.12.25. “Back and forth from general to special kinds of erotic love, further variations on a theme of love-on-wings in Song 1 of Sappho and elsewhere.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2020.12.31. “About Aphrodite’s birds and her magical flowers in Song 1 of Sappho and elsewhere.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2021.01.09. “The theo-eroticism of mythmaking about Aphrodite’s love for boys like Adonis in ancient Greek paintings.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2021.01.15. “How the first word in Song 1 of Sappho is relevant to her reception in the ancient world—and to various different ways of thinking about the Greek word hetairā.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2021.01.20. “When self-praise connects the speaker to the universe: A diachronic view of the word eukhomai (εὔχομαι) in its Homeric contexts.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2021.01.29. “Imagining a sensually self-assertive singing bride—while reading the songs of Sappho.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2021.02.06. “Starting with Anacreon while preparing a compendium of essays on Sappho and her ancient reception.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2021.02.13. “How a girl dances in an Aeolic way, whether she is wearing sandals or not.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2021.02.20. “Euripides the anthropologist and his imaginings about wandering minds of female intiands.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2021.02.27. “Some variations on the theme of a recomposed performer in ancient Greek prose and poetry.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2021.03.06. “A sampling of comments on Pindar Olympian 14: highlighting Thalia as one of the three ‘Graces’.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2021.03.12. “Olympism, Culture, and Society: On Pindar’s poetic lessons about heroic Olympism in myths ahout Herakles.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2021.03.20. “Pausanias tries to visualize the three ‘Graces’ of Orkhomenos in Boeotia.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2021.03.27. “On visualizing heavenly origins for particularized icons in the Greek-speaking world of today.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2021.04.03. “On ‘connecting the dots’—metonymically—between a shield and a garland presented to Achilles.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2021.04.10. “Envisioning Aphrodite inside the living wood of a myrtle tree.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2021.04.17. “On the idea of dead poets as imagined by T. S. Eliot, compared with some more recent ideas about reperformance, Part I.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2021.04.24. “On the idea of dead poets as imagined by T. S. Eliot, compared with ideas about reperformance, Part II.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2021.04.30. “On the idea of dead poets as imagined by T. S. Eliot, compared with ideas about reperformance, Part III.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2021.05.10. “How Pindar’s Homer might save from harm the heroic glory of Ajax.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2021.05.17. “How even a Classical Homer might save from harm the heroic glory of Ajax.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2021.05.24. “How a Classical Homer occasionally downgrades the heroic glory of Ajax in order to save it: Part 1.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2021.06.01. “How a Classical Homer occasionally downgrades the heroic glory of Ajax in order to save it: Part 2.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2021.06.07. “How a Classical Homer occasionally downgrades the heroic glory of Ajax in order to save it: Part 3.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2021.06.14. “On the eclipse of Ajax as a most eligible suitor of Helen.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2021.06.21. “What on earth did Helen ever see in Ajax, her former suitor?” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2021.06.24. “Text and reperformance: do you really need a text for your reperformance?” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2021.07.05. “How are the epic verses of the Hesiodic Suitors of Helen relevant to Achilles in our Homeric Iliad?” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2021.07.12. “Sappho’s looks, and how Sappho looks at beauty.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2021.07.19. “Can Sappho be freed from receivership? Part One.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2021.07.26. “Can Sappho be freed from receivership? Part Two.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2021.08.02. “Sappho’s Aphrodite, the goddess Chryse, and a primal ordeal suffered by Philoctetes in a tragedy of Sophocles.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2021.08.09. “Glimpses of Aeolian traditions in two different myths about two different visits by Philoctetes to the sacred island of the goddess Chryse.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2021.08.16. “How myths that connect the hero Philoctetes with the goddess Chryse are related to myths about a koúrē ‘girl’ named Chryseis.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2021.08.23. “Jaufré Rudel, his ‘distant love’, and the death of the distant lover in his vida.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2021.08.30. “A question of “reception”: how could Homer ever outlive his own moments of performance?” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G. 2021.09.07. “Trying to read Sappho out loud without running out of breath.”Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G., and D. F. Elmer. 2018.05.10. “On women and weaving, draft of a two-part Foreword to a work by Hanna Eilittä Psychas, Women Weaving the World: Text and Textile in the Kalevala and Beyond.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, G., L. Koelle, and K. A. DeStone. 2017.01.26. “Disintegration and Reintegration.” Classical Inquiries.

Nagy, J. F. 1985. The Wisdom of the Outlaw: The Boyhood Deeds of Finn in Gaelic Narrative Tradition. Berkeley and Los Angeles.

Nagy, J. F. 1986. “Orality in Medieval Irish Literature: An Overview.” Oral Tradition1:272–301.

Nagy, J. F. 1997a. “How the Táin Was Lost.” Zeitschrift für Celtische Philologie 49–50:603–609.

Nagy, J. F. 1997b. Conversing with Angels and Ancients: Literary Myths of Medieval Ireland. Ithaca, NY.

Napier, A. D. 1986. Masks, Transformation, and Paradox. Berkeley and Los Angeles.

Nehamas, A. 1982. “Plato on Imitation and Poetry in Republic 10.” In Plato on Beauty, Wisdom, and the Arts, ed. J. M. E. Moravcsik and P. Temko, 47–78. Totowa, NJ.

Nehamas, A. 1985. Nietzsche: Life as Literature. Cambridge MA.

Neils, J. 1992a. “The Panathenaia: An Introduction.” In Neils 1992b:13–27, plus notes at pp. 194–195. References to Neils 1992 will indicate this chapter.

Neils, J., ed. 1992b. Goddess and Polis: The Panathenaic Festival in Ancient Athens. Princeton.

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