With regard to Pylos and wastu, an interesting parallel is provided by KULULU lead strip 1 (Hieroglyphic Luvian, late 8th century BCE). §§ 1, 3, and 4 each begin with the name of a town, after which, in §§ 3 and 4, follow several lines (only a single line in §1) specifying various quantities of some commodity (written with a logogram, possibly 'barley') to be given to particular named recipients. The specification of the towns in §§ 3 and 4 — as with Pylos in Tn 316 — are clearly to be construed with multiple donations. Hawkins reads the names of the towns as genitive, though nominatives would appear to be possible as well. See Hawkins, J. D. 1987. “The KULULU Lead Strips: Economic Documents in Hieroglyphic Luwian.” Anatolian Studies 37:135–162.