BA/BA2 = Best of the Achaeans = N 1979/1999 [with new Introduction]
Esametro = Fantuzzi and Pretagostini 1996
GM = Greek Mythology and Poetics = N 1990b
GMZ = Grafton, Most, and Zetzel 1985
HQ = Homeric Questions = N 1996b
HR = Homeric Responses = N 2003a
IC = Janko 1998a
MHV = Parry 1971
N + year = Nagy, G. + year
OEI = Blackburn et al. 1989
PH = Pindar’s Homer = N 1990a
PP = Poetry as Performance = N 1996a
PR = Plato’s Rhapsody and Homer’s Music = N 2002a
VMK = Viermännerkommentar ‘four-man commentary’